I needed a shirt for something and it couldn't be just any shirt, so I decided to make one. Well, I actually made two. One for me and one for my girlfriend. We needed a little boost in our morale when it came to our music. This year was a monumental year for us in that area because, even if it was only a few times, we actually got out of our living room and in front of some people. It was awesome. I can't wait until we can do it again! It will be a little bit though, because I had to have some crazy oral surgery and I need to heal and re-train so that I can sing, but I know that with some hard work it won't be long until I am up on the stage again. Anyway, I made these shirts that say "Still Beating" on them to remind us that: that even though it has been hard and there have been all kinds of unforseen obstacles, we are still in the game. We still have something to say with our music that is important. My heart beats in technicolor!